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Come, Holy Ghost

Seven Fruits of the Holy Spirit

...   Love   ...   Peace   ...   Joy   ...   Happiness   ...   Long-suffering   ...   Kindness   ...   Humbleness   ...








Fourth Fruit of the Holy Spirit

...   HAPPINESS   ...

Come Stay With Us, O Dear Lord

( Resta Con Noi, Signore )

Resta con noi, Come stay with us,
Signore, la sera; Oh dear Lord, this evening;
Resta coi gay Come stay with gays,
E saremo lieti. And we will be happy.

Resta con noi, Come stay with us,
Non ci lasciar, Not left alone,
La notte mai piu' scendera'. So darkness will never descend.
Resta coi gay, Come stay with gays,
Non ci lasciar,  Not left alone,
Per le vie del mondo, To the ways of the world,
Signor! Oh dear Lord!

Ti porteremo We shall now bring You
Ai nostri fratelli; To all our gay brothers;
Ti porteremo We shall now bring You
Lungo le strade. Along all the byways.

Resta con noi, Come stay with us,
Non ci lasciar, Not left alone,
La notte mai piu' scendera'. So darkness will never descend.
Resta coi gay, Come stay with gays,
Non ci lasciar,  Not left alone,
Per le vie del mondo, To the ways of the world,
Signor! Oh dear Lord!

Ti porteremo We shall now bring You
Alle nostre sorelle; To all our gay sisters;
Ti porteremo We shall now bring You
Lungo le strade. Along all the byways.

Resta con noi, Come stay with us,
Non ci lasciar, Not left alone,
La notte mai piu' scendera'. So darkness will never descend.
Resta coi gay, Come stay with gays,
Non ci lasciar,  Not left alone,
Per le vie del mondo, To the ways of the world,
Signor! Oh dear Lord!

Voglio donarti I want to give You
Queste mie mani; These my gay hands now;
Voglio donarti I want to give You
Questo mio cuore. This my gay heart now.

Resta con noi, Come stay with us,
Non ci lasciar, Not left alone,
La notte mai piu' scendera'. So darkness will never descend.
Resta coi gay, Come stay with gays,
Non ci lasciar,  Not left alone,
Per le vie del mondo, To the ways of the world,
Signor! Oh dear Lord!